A Story of Courage, Resilience, and Gratitude.

Never Part of the Plan

“Landing in soft snow caused me to pitch forward violently onto my head and neck, my feet shooting overhead like a scorpion's tail. With the devastating force of the impact, the entire weight of my body went straight to my neck, bending my head so far backward, something had to give. 

It buckled. 

My neck dislocated and snapped so fast, it opened in the front like a Pez candy-dispensing machine. My spinal cord severed, and I didn't realize I landed feet first—all I felt was the massive uppercut as my face hit the ground. It was like no other crash—I couldn't stop falling. I couldn't bounce back. 

I couldn't self-erect, getting back to my feet. 

Then, nothing…”

“Mike’s story offers tools to help you overcome your biggest challenges, achieve your potential, and take you to the next level in sports, business, and life.”